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Last-Modified: 30. 07. 2024.

Services for library patrons:

  • Borrowing books, unavailable in our library, from other Hungarian or foreign libraries. Borrowing from Hungarian libraries is free of charge.
  • Obtaining copies of journal articles, unavailable in our library, from other Hungarian or foreign libraries. Service subject to extra fees.

Services for other libraries:

  • Borrowing and journal article copy service from the collection of BME OMIKK.

Before complying with foreign interlibrary loans, we send a pro forma invoice to the client, which includes the data of the request and the fee of the service. The booked item can be picked up after paying the fee of the service by transferring the amount of money to the indicated bank account. Please send us the confirmation by e-mail. We make out an invoice and send it by post.


Submit booking:

Fees >>


Telephone: +36 1 463-3794

Office: BME K building, fszt 53. IR ( TKO Office)
Address: 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.

Office hours:

Monday -Thursday: 9 am to 4 pm
Friday: 9 am to 2 pm

Terms of use for documents received through interlibrary loan

Documents received through interlibrary loan or interlibrary (electronic or hard) copy service are exclusively for the readers' own use. Forwarding and reproducing these documents for third parties in any format is forbidden. Regarding further use of documents requested by interlibrary loan and reprography services, paragraphs 38-41 of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright and Government Decree no. 117/2004.(IV.28.) shall apply. Service users shall be responsible for complying with the regulations.